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25 Keyboard Shortcuts for Filtering Data in Excel

1. Ctrl+Shift+L: Apply or remove filters

2. Ctrl+Shift+F: Filter by selected cell’s value

3. Ctrl+Shift+R: Filter by selected cell’s color

4. Ctrl+Shift+O: Filter by selected cell’s font color

5. Ctrl+Shift+S: Filter by selected cell’s fill color

6. Ctrl+Shift+T: Filter by selected cell’s cell style

7. Ctrl+Shift+U: Filter by selected cell’s conditional formatting

8. Ctrl+Shift+V: Filter by values

9. Ctrl+Shift+W: Filter by wildcard

10. Ctrl+Shift+X: Filter by regular expression

11. Ctrl+Shift+Y: Filter by dynamic criteria

12. Ctrl+Shift+Z: Filter by cell values

13. Ctrl+Shift+1: Filter by number

14. Ctrl+Shift+2: Filter by text

15. Ctrl+Shift+3: Filter by date

16. Ctrl+Shift+4: Filter by time

17. Ctrl+Shift+5: Filter by cell values

18. Ctrl+Shift+6: Filter by color

19. Ctrl+Shift+7: Filter by font color

20. Ctrl+Shift+8: Filter by fill color

21. Ctrl+Shift+9: Filter by cell style

22. Ctrl+Shift+0: Filter by conditional formatting

23. Ctrl+Shift+-: Filter by values

24. Ctrl+Shift+=: Filter by wildcard

25. Ctrl+Shift+`: Filter by regular expression

Excel is a powerful tool for organizing and analyzing data. One of the most useful features of Excel is the ability to filter data. Filtering allows you to quickly and easily sort through large amounts of data to find the information you need. And the best part? You can do it all with just a few keyboard shortcuts. In this article, we�ll cover 25 keyboard shortcuts for filtering data in Excel.

Filtering Basics

Before we dive into the shortcuts, let�s review the basics of filtering in Excel. Filtering allows you to display only the data that meets certain criteria. For example, you might want to filter a list of sales data to show only the sales made by a particular salesperson, or only the sales made in a particular month.

To filter data in Excel, you�ll need to select the data you want to filter. Then, go to the Data tab on the ribbon and click the Filter button. This will add filter arrows to the top of each column in your data. Clicking on a filter arrow will allow you to select the criteria you want to filter by.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Filtering Data

1. Alt + A + T

This shortcut will open the Data tab on the ribbon, where you can access the Filter button.

2. Alt + D + F + F

This shortcut will turn on filtering for the selected data.

3. Alt + Down Arrow

This shortcut will open the filter menu for the selected cell.

4. Alt + Up Arrow

This shortcut will close the filter menu for the selected cell.

5. Alt + Down Arrow + Enter

This shortcut will open the filter menu for the selected cell and immediately select the first item in the menu.

6. Alt + Down Arrow + E

This shortcut will open the filter menu for the selected cell and immediately select the last item in the menu.

7. Alt + Down Arrow + N

This shortcut will open the filter menu for the selected cell and immediately select the (Blanks) item in the menu.

8. Alt + Down Arrow + S

This shortcut will open the filter menu for the selected cell and immediately select the (NonBlanks) item in the menu.

9. Alt + Down Arrow + M

This shortcut will open the filter menu for the selected cell and immediately select the (Custom) item in the menu.

10. Alt + Down Arrow + C

This shortcut will open the filter menu for the selected cell and immediately select the (Clear Filter) item in the menu.

11. Alt + Down Arrow + R

This shortcut will open the filter menu for the selected cell and immediately select the (Reapply Filter) item in the menu.

12. Alt + Down Arrow + W

This shortcut will open the filter menu for the selected cell and immediately select the (Sort A to Z) item in the menu.

13. Alt + Down Arrow + Z

This shortcut will open the filter menu for the selected cell and immediately select the (Sort Z to A) item in the menu.

14. Alt + Down Arrow + O

This shortcut will open the filter menu for the selected cell and immediately select the (Filter by Color) item in the menu.

15. Alt + Down Arrow + H

This shortcut will open the filter menu for the selected cell and immediately select the (Hide Selected Items) item in the menu.

16. Alt + Down Arrow + U

This shortcut will open the filter menu for the selected cell and immediately select the (Unhide Selected Items) item in the menu.

17. Alt + Down Arrow + I

This shortcut will open the filter menu for the selected cell and immediately select the (Filter by Selected Cell�s Value) item in the menu.

18. Alt + Down Arrow + V

This shortcut will open the filter menu for the selected cell and immediately select the (Filter by Visited Cell�s Value) item in the menu.

19. Alt + Down Arrow + Y

This shortcut will open the filter menu for the selected cell and immediately select the (Filter by Selected Cell�s Icon) item in the menu.

20. Alt + Down Arrow + Q

This shortcut will open the filter menu for the selected cell and immediately select the (Filter by Selected Cell�s Font Color) item in the menu.

21. Alt + Down Arrow + X

This shortcut will open the filter menu for the selected cell and immediately select the (Filter by Selected Cell�s Fill Color) item in the menu.

22. Ctrl + Shift + L

This shortcut will turn on or off the filter for the selected data.

23. Ctrl + Shift + F

This shortcut will open the Advanced Filter dialog box.

24. Ctrl + Shift + R

This shortcut will remove the filter from the selected data.

25. Ctrl + Shift + T

This shortcut will toggle the filter buttons on and off.


Filtering data in Excel can be a time-consuming task, but with these keyboard shortcuts, you can save time and work more efficiently. Whether you�re filtering by date, text, or color, these shortcuts will help you get the job done quickly and easily. So the next time you�re working with a large dataset, remember to use these shortcuts to make your life easier.


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