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In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about the PMT formula in Excel. The PMT function is a financial function that calculates the periodic payment for a loan based on constant payments and a constant interest rate. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced Excel user, this article will provide you with valuable insights, examples, tips, and tricks to help you master the PMT formula.

PMT Syntax

The syntax for the PMT function in Excel is as follows:

PMT(rate, nper, pv, [fv], [type])


  • rate (required) – The interest rate for the loan. This should be the periodic interest rate, which can be calculated by dividing the annual interest rate by the number of payment periods per year.
  • nper (required) – The total number of payment periods for the loan.
  • pv (required) – The present value, or the total amount of the loan.
  • fv (optional) – The future value, or the desired balance after the last payment is made. If omitted, it is assumed to be 0.
  • type (optional) – Specifies when the payments are due. Use 0 for payments due at the end of the period (default), and 1 for payments due at the beginning of the period.

PMT Examples

Let’s explore some examples of how to use the PMT function in Excel:

Example 1: Calculate the monthly payment for a 5-year loan of $20,000 with an annual interest rate of 6%.

=PMT(6%/12, 5*12, 20000)

In this example, the rate is calculated by dividing the annual interest rate (6%) by the number of payment periods per year (12). The nper is calculated by multiplying the number of years (5) by the number of payment periods per year (12). The pv is the loan amount, which is $20,000. The result is a monthly payment of -$386.66.

Example 2: Calculate the quarterly payment for a 10-year loan of $50,000 with an annual interest rate of 8% and a desired future value of $10,000.

=PMT(8%/4, 10*4, 50000, 10000)

In this example, the rate is calculated by dividing the annual interest rate (8%) by the number of payment periods per year (4). The nper is calculated by multiplying the number of years (10) by the number of payment periods per year (4). The pv is the loan amount, which is $50,000, and the fv is the desired future value, which is $10,000. The result is a quarterly payment of -$1,463.28.

PMT Tips & Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the PMT function in Excel:

  1. Remember to convert the annual interest rate to a periodic interest rate by dividing it by the number of payment periods per year.
  2. When entering the loan amount (pv) in the PMT function, use a positive value. Excel will return a negative value for the payment, which represents an outgoing payment.
  3. If you want the payment result to be a positive value, you can either multiply the result by -1 or use the ABS function to return the absolute value of the payment.
  4. Use the optional fv and type arguments to customize the PMT function for different loan scenarios, such as loans with balloon payments or loans with payments due at the beginning of the period.

Common Mistakes When Using PMT

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when using the PMT function in Excel:

  1. Not converting the annual interest rate to a periodic interest rate. Remember to divide the annual interest rate by the number of payment periods per year.
  2. Using the wrong number of payment periods. Make sure to multiply the number of years by the number of payment periods per year to get the correct nper value.
  3. Entering the loan amount (pv) as a negative value. This can cause the PMT function to return a positive payment value, which may be confusing. Use a positive value for the loan amount, and Excel will return a negative value for the payment.

Why Isn’t My PMT Working?

If your PMT function isn’t working as expected, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check your formula syntax to ensure you have entered the correct arguments in the correct order.
  2. Make sure you have converted the annual interest rate to a periodic interest rate and calculated the correct number of payment periods (nper).
  3. Ensure that you have entered the loan amount (pv) as a positive value.
  4. If you are using the optional fv and type arguments, double-check their values to ensure they are correct for your specific loan scenario.

PMT: Related Formulae

Here are some related Excel formulae that can be useful when working with loans and financial calculations:

  1. IPMT: Calculates the interest portion of a loan payment for a specific period.
  2. PPMT: Calculates the principal portion of a loan payment for a specific period.
  3. NPER: Calculates the number of payment periods required to pay off a loan, given the payment amount, interest rate, and present value.
  4. RATE: Calculates the interest rate per period for a loan, given the payment amount, number of payment periods, and present value.
  5. PV: Calculates the present value of a loan, given the payment amount, interest rate, and number of payment periods.

By mastering the PMT function and its related formulae, you can effectively analyze and manage loans and other financial scenarios in Excel. With this comprehensive guide, you now have the knowledge and tools to confidently use the PMT function in your spreadsheets.


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