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In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the DDB (Double Declining Balance) formula in Excel. The DDB function is a powerful tool for calculating the depreciation of an asset over a specified period using the double-declining balance method. This method is an accelerated depreciation method that records higher depreciation expenses in the initial years of an asset’s life and gradually decreases the expenses over time. This guide will cover everything you need to know about the DDB formula, including its syntax, examples, tips and tricks, common mistakes, troubleshooting, and related formulae.

DDB Syntax

The DDB function in Excel has the following syntax:

DDB(cost, salvage, life, period, [factor])


  • cost is the initial cost of the asset.
  • salvage is the value of the asset at the end of its useful life (also known as the residual or scrap value).
  • life is the number of periods (usually years) over which the asset is depreciated.
  • period is the period for which you want to calculate the depreciation.
  • factor (optional) is the rate at which the balance declines. If omitted, the default value is 2, which represents the double-declining balance method.

DDB Examples

Let’s look at some examples of how to use the DDB function in Excel.

Example 1: You have purchased a machine for $10,000, and its salvage value is estimated to be $1,000 after a useful life of 5 years. Calculate the depreciation for the first year using the double-declining balance method.

DDB(10000, 1000, 5, 1)

In this example, the formula will return $3,600 as the depreciation for the first year.

Example 2: You have purchased a vehicle for $25,000, and its salvage value is estimated to be $5,000 after a useful life of 8 years. Calculate the depreciation for the third year using the double-declining balance method.

DDB(25000, 5000, 8, 3)

In this example, the formula will return $4,267.97 as the depreciation for the third year.

Example 3: You have purchased a computer for $2,000, and its salvage value is estimated to be $200 after a useful life of 4 years. Calculate the depreciation for the second year using a factor of 1.5 (150% declining balance method).

DDB(2000, 200, 4, 2, 1.5)

In this example, the formula will return $450 as the depreciation for the second year.

DDB Tips & Tricks

  • Remember that the DDB function calculates depreciation for a specific period. If you want to calculate the accumulated depreciation for multiple periods, you will need to use the DDB function for each period and sum the results.
  • If you want to use a different depreciation method, such as the straight-line method or the sum-of-years’ digits method, you can use the SLN or SYD functions in Excel, respectively.
  • When using the DDB function, make sure to input the correct values for the cost, salvage, life, and period arguments. Incorrect values can lead to inaccurate depreciation calculations.

Common Mistakes When Using DDB

  • Using an incorrect value for the factor argument. The default value is 2 for the double-declining balance method, but you can input a different value if you want to use a different declining balance rate.
  • Forgetting to input the salvage value. The salvage value is an essential component of the DDB function, as it represents the asset’s value at the end of its useful life.
  • Using the DDB function to calculate accumulated depreciation for multiple periods without summing the results. The DDB function calculates depreciation for a specific period, so you will need to use the function for each period and sum the results to find the accumulated depreciation.

Why Isn’t My DDB Working?

If your DDB function isn’t working as expected, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Check your formula syntax and make sure you have input the correct values for the cost, salvage, life, period, and factor arguments.
  • Ensure that you are using the correct depreciation method for your needs. If you need to use a different method, consider using the SLN or SYD functions in Excel.
  • Verify that your asset’s useful life and salvage value are accurate and reasonable. Unreasonable values can lead to incorrect depreciation calculations.

DDB: Related Formulae

Here are some related formulae that you might find useful when working with depreciation calculations in Excel:

  • SLN: The SLN function calculates the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period.
  • SYD: The SYD function calculates the sum-of-years’ digits depreciation of an asset for a specified period.
  • DB: The DB function calculates the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the fixed-declining balance method.
  • VDB: The VDB function calculates the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the variable-declining balance method.
  • AMORDEGRC: The AMORDEGRC function calculates the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the declining balance method, taking into account prorated periods.

By mastering the DDB function and related formulae, you can effectively calculate depreciation for your assets and make informed financial decisions for your business or personal finances.


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